Chakwal Railway Station – Use It or Abuse It


I had passed by that building quite a few times, but never noticed it before. I think the reason was that I always passed by it driving my own car. However, last week I was travelling in a rickety public van. It stopped right in front of this building as its driver failed to silence its horn, and finally had to stop the van and pull the wires out. As the horn went silent, I took a deep breath and look… what do I have right in front of me – an abandoned building that looks at least over 100 years old.

Before the driver could get back into the driving seat, I left the van and forgot about it. My eyes were focused on the building. As I looked closely, I guessed and did that correctly that it was an abandoned Railway Station. There was no railway line. Before reading any further, please have a look at the slide show below:

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The current situation of the building is fairly well described by the pictures, so I would not dwell on that. All I want is it should not be wasted like this. The managers/administrators of the city can turn it into a useful public place. It could be turned into a museum to showcase Chakwal‘s history – photos, paintings, books, important historical items and books on Chakwal’s history, literature, culture and geography etc.

I know it’s easier said than done. However, I would make a serious effort for the purpose, and would write to the Deputy Coordination Officer, and the Chairman Pakistan Railways, and the local media as well. I hope somebody takes it seriously and the people of Chakwal get a good place of learning about their own city and district.